Friday, July 3, 2009

bits n bytes

so yesterday was my weekend. spent the day with my younger sis and nephew...they're San Francisco bound from Delhi. took them around town. blistering heat. clicked some pics of my cutie little nephew...had a nice time.
I'm all by myself these days as family has traveled to Delhi during kids' perigrinations take me to my hometown next month.
Being with parents is always soothing to the soul. you leave all your worries and forget your responsibilities. become a kid once again. plan to travel to nainital this summer. Its been like an eon...almost 22 years since i left my alma mater!almost a lifetime. vivid images of what now almost seem ethereal are in my mind. thinking of those days, i wish i could go to school once again.sure i dont want to go through the exams!
ok getting to work now.....